

  Living with uncertainty in the face of a pandemic could make life more stressful. For many, the situation is a new experience.

  Well, here is what we could learn from Lou Tice’s book “ A Better You, A Better World ”, (Tice,L.E., Steinberg, A., 1989), to confront the challenges, manage stress and difficult emotions.

  In the book’s last chapter “ Longer Legs for Bigger Strides ”, Lou Tice mentions about the moment when he and his wife Diane drove to the hospital.
Back then Diane was going through treatment for her illness and it certainly was the most devastating time for the both of them.
Then she said to Lou Tice, “Remember what I always say about adversity:   ‘ When you come through a tough crisis, it just gives you longer legs for bigger strides. ‘ “

  This reminds us that setbacks are always temporary.
Instead of focusing on how things presently are, it’s essential to always hold on to the desired end-result, how we want things to be.
When we come through a tough crisis it only leaves us with more sense of power and confidence.

Tice,L.,Steinberg, A. (1989) A better world a better you: The proven Lou Tice “Invest in Excellence “ Program. Englewood Cliffs, NJ:Prentice Hall.

◆ Performance Enhancement Coaching 認定コーチ養成講座はこちらから https://www.libertycoaching.jp/coachtraining_tice_system/

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